Twin™ Shoe Cycles

We recommend standard shoeing intervals (cycles) of 6 weeks; however, this can be different based on seasonal and activity effects (the hoof growth rate is higher in summer and when the horse is in action), hoof condition and stage in the Twin™ Shoe usage (when starting with Twin™ Shoes, we will see accelerated hoof growth, calling for an initial need for shorter cycles).

New Cycle Indicators

The gap between the two branches is a good indicator for when re-shoeing needs to take place. Re-shoeing should happen:

  • Within a couple of days after a cycle of 6 weeks.
  • Within couple of days if shoe gap reaches 1/4 inch (6 mm) in width.
  • Within a week if shoe gap reaches 3/16 inch (5 mm) in width.

A healthy hoof and correct use of the recommended application methods will result in the shoe gap not opening more than ¼ inch (6 mm) within a 6-week shoeing interval.

The Bartek Shoe Gapper is the perfect tool to determine the need for re-shoeing.

Shoeing Cycle Trend and Normalization

  • On average the hoof capsule will normalize after 8 months using Twin™ Shoes depending on the starting point (normalization range of 6-12 months).
  • Once normalized, the shoe (toe) gap will not open up more than ¼ inch (6 mm) within a 6-week shoeing interval
  • Shoeing intervals will likely need to be shorter (2 to 4 weeks) for the first 3 to 4 shoeings depending on the starting health status of the hoof. Shorter shoeing intervals are often related to:
    • Hoof capsule relaxation that takes place, opening up the shoe (toe) gap significantly sometimes within 24-48hrs.
    • Shifting of branches because of imperfect shoeing application or weak/brittle/flared hoof walls.